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Trade Show Talk Podcast

Jan 27, 2022

Community is no longer just an entity. It is a career path, and RD Whitney helps us understand this deeply on this episode!

Online / virtual events are not a new concept and RD was involved in advancing them back in ‘07-’10. He fully believes it was the current pandemic that was the “slingshot” to show how important community is. Whether your events are online or in person, they are a catalyst to complement year-round communities for our audiences. 

“Events are the culmination of community.”

And there’s now an institute for community professionals, thanks to RD. It’s a free “home” for these folks to stay in compliance and to learn how to do their jobs better!

The notion that “community” is a career path is a reality, and this special guest is doing all he can to advance this path. 

SO. MUCH. great info on this episode!

We would love your input - please reply and message us on social media with your thoughts on the subject.

Our Guest
RD Whitney

RD builds and grows communities. He has successfully developed several Institutes creating a "home" for niche and evolving professions. For over 30 years RD has focused on creating communities that bring buyer and seller together through the gravity of professional training, events (f2f and virtual), online learning and education, peer learning and data. As the business model applies to almost any sector, RD has successfully developed media businesses in multiple global sectors through conferences, tradeshows, online training, virtual events, industry award programs, SAAS businesses, research, databases, validation, publishing, peer learning, online marketplaces, certification programs and sponsored/membership businesses.

RD has an impressive track record of building and growing professional community assets and recurring revenue businesses to quickly realize new value for members, vendors and investors.


The "Trade Show Talk" podcast will publish two episodes per month, focusing on a different theme each month. If you'd like to be a guest or you have a topic to suggest that we cover, please let us know by emailing

Check out episode 2! And please take a minute to follow, rate, & review us on iTunes & get each ep. when it drops!